Five nights at Freddy’s is a mascot horror game created by Scott Cawthon, August 8, 2014. After many failed attempts of making a child game due to complaints of the characters being too scary, Scott decided to make an actual horror game. And thus, Five Nights At Freddys (FNAF) was created.
After scott started to gain popularity he then made Fnaf 2, November 10, 2014
Then FNAF 3 march 2, 2015
Fnaf 4 was then released july 23, 2015
fnaf sister location (fnaf 5) was released october 7, 2016
Fnaf 6 took a different approach, making it a simulator
december 5, 2017 was the day fnaf 6 came out
Fnaf ultimate custom night was created June 15, 2018
Fnaf Security Breach made Freddy help you to leave, stay, or uncover more secrets.
released december 16, 2021
The latest fnaf installment was the ruin dlc for fnaf security breach